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난임전문센터 미래새싹센터 1과
Lee ES, Shin JJ, Kim H, Lee JR, Suh CS, Kim SH
Comparison between the semen parameters according to 1999 World Health
Organization criteria and 2010 WHO criteria in males of subfertile couples in Korea. ASRM. 2015.
Lee ES, Kim H, Lee JR, Jee BC, Ku SY, Suh CS, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG
The effect of age and serum Anti-Mullerian hormone level on fertilization rate in women with polycystic ovary syndrome after assisted reproductive technology.
ASRM. 2014.
Lee ES, Ahn JH, Lee TS, Jeon HW
Metastatic malignant melanoma with peritoneal seeding in a young woman: A case report. Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2014.
Kim HS, Kim T, Lee ES, Kim HJ, Chung HH, Kim JW, Song YS, Park NH
Impact of Chemoradiation on Prognosis in Stage IVB Cervical Cancer with Distant Lymphatic Metastasis. Cancer Res Treat. 2013.
난임전문센터 미래새싹센터 2과
1. Shin JJ, Choe J-Y, Kim SM, Lee SM, Oh KJ, Park C-W, et al. Second trimester listeriosis followed by fetal death in utero (FDIU): A case report. Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2010;53(3):287-90.
2. Han KH, Shin JJ, Shin MS, Kim BJ, Hwang KR, Jun HW, et al. A third stage pelvic organ prolapse due to cervical swelling during labor: A case report. Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2010;53(8):727-31.
3. Hwang KR, Han KH, Shin MS, Kim JH, Shin JJ, Song KJ, et al. A study of sexual assault: Based on data from Boramae One-stop Service Center. J Womens Med. 2010;3(3):96-101.
4. Lee GH, Choi YM, Kim JM, Shin JJ, Kim JG, Moon SY. Association of epidermal growth factor receptor gene polymorphisms with advanced endometriosis in a Korean population. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012;164(2):196-9.
5. Park SH, Shin JJ, Kim H, Lim DO. The Discordance of Intra-twin Birth Weight by Infantile Gender and Birth Order in Korea; 2008-2013. Korean J Perinatol. 2015;26(3):229-36.
6. Shin JJ, Lee YJ, Kim R, Lee da Y, Won KH, Jee BC. Analysis of falsely elevated risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm in women with ovarian endometrioma. ObstetGynecol Sci. 2016;59(4):295-302.
7. Shin JJ, Kim SK, Lee JR, Suh CS. Ospemifene: A Novel Option for the Treatment of Vulvovaginal Atrophy. J Menopausal Med. 2017;23:79-84.
8. Shin JJ, JeeBC, Kim H, Kim SH. Major disease prevalence and menstrual characteristics in infertile female Korean smokers. J Korean Med Sci. 2017;32(2):321-328.
9. Shin JJ, YM Choi, HY Choi, SJ Chae, K Hwang, JJ Kim, GH Lee, JM Kim. Androgen receptor cytosine, adenine, and guanine trinucleotide repeat polymorphism in Korean patients with endometriosis: A case-control study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017;218:1-4.
보건복지부 장관 표창 (2013년 4월)
제 70회 American Society for Reproductive medicine (ASRM, 미국불임학회) 포스터 발표
제 3회 Asian Conference of Endometriosis (아시아 자궁내막증학회) 구연 발표
제 32회 European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE, 유럽불임학회) 포스터 발표
난임전문센터 미래새싹센터 3과
Sim CH, Lee JH, Kwak JS, Song SH
Necrotizing ruptured vaginal leiomyoma mimicking a malignant neoplasm.
Obstetrics &Gynecology Science 2014; 57(6): 560-563.
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